IBD Patient Stories

Your Stories.

The power that we all hold in sharing our stories is immense. Every IBD patient story that goes out affects the perception of our diseases out in the world. Take in others' stories of empowerment, resilience, and awareness.

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Along the Journey of Crohn’s

Along the Journey of Crohn’s

I don’t know where to begin. It has been suggested to me many times that I write down the story of my journey through college, getting a grown up job, getting married, having a baby and oh, yeah having Crohn’s disease. I am not truly sure where to begin with this story, so I will ...
Let Me Tell You About My Crohn’s

Let Me Tell You About My Crohn’s

This special IBD Awareness Week guest post comes from Alyssa, a brave and wise Crohn’s patient, but let’s let her introduce herself. I am Alyssa. I am 23. As of this past July, I have Crohn’s disease. I have a whole diagnosis story, but I’ll spare you the gross details. I spent the first month ...
Running to the Bathroom

Running to the Bathroom

It’s race day.  The air is cool, the sun is low, adrenaline is high.  The crowds are gathering near the start and off to the side, there is a very, very long line for the portapotty.  EVERYONE is obsessing over having to go.  Waiting in that line, a line that I hope is moving quickly, ...
Relationships, Marriage, and IBD

Relationships, Marriage, and IBD

Just like we did with our Parenting Perspective, we sat down to chat with two IBD activists about how their marriages work in the face of IBD. This special conversational post compares two perspectives – one spouse who has Crohn’s, with that of a spouse who is a caregiver. You may know Ryan Stevens of ...
What Would You Do With A Second Chance?

What Would You Do With A Second Chance?

In this guest post, we get the story of two guys that used a second chance at health and life to make a difference in the battle for IBD awareness, and prove that anyone has the ability to make a difference. Cousins Jack and Nick start following one of their dreams, and after a Crohn’s ...
Spreading Awareness is Liberating

Spreading Awareness is Liberating

In this guest post, Noah discusses his struggle with sharing the details of his disease, and the surprising reactions he received.  From consulting Dr. Google to feeling embarrassed, his story is something we can all relate to – and a lesson we can all learn from. I woke in a frenzy, hurriedly flinging off my ...
Never Shrink Your Dreams to Fit Your Life

Never Shrink Your Dreams to Fit Your Life

In this guest post, Niki Sibley of Sole Powered discusses her secret to life, and what she’s doing to not only spread IBD awareness but to bring resources to others strugging. And she’s doing it by running across the state of Washington. Yes, running. Visit her on her Sole Powered Facebook Page. Norman Vincent Peale ...
Lessons We Learn Along The Way

Lessons We Learn Along The Way

Lessons We Learn Along the Way In this guest post, Aaron discusses going to college with IBD, and the little tips he learned along the way to help him cope. He also finds the benefits in talking about your disease and joining IBD communities. Follow Aaron’s journey through life on his blog, Shoebox Memoirs. After high ...
Humor, Humility, and Purpose

Humor, Humility, and Purpose

Humor, Humility, and Purpose with Crohn’s Disease In this guest post, our friend Tony talks about how he takes on Crohn’s Disease, why it’s brought a purpose to his life, and why he believes it’s important to share our stories with honesty, humor, and pride. You can follow Tony on his personal blog, HomoCrohn: Thriving as ...
From the Bathroom to Kona

From the Bathroom to Kona

From the Bathroom to Kona Grant Henry is Kona Inspired We recently caught up to Grant Henry, a colitis patient and Team Challenge alum who is fighting for awareness with his campaign for an entry into the Kona Ironman World Championships, through the Kona Inspired contest. If he wins, he plans to wear IBD apparel, ...
Just Keep Talking About It

Just Keep Talking About It

This guest post from Greta talks about, well, talking. She talks about her symptoms, her diagnosis, her family, and why she’ll never stop talking about IBD until awareness is strong, information is out there, and a cure is found. Greta is our first guest poster that submitted her story on our website. Share your voice ...