Just Keep Talking About It

Just Keep Talking About It

This guest post from Greta talks about, well, talking. She talks about her symptoms, her diagnosis, her family, and why she’ll never stop talking about IBD until awareness is strong, information is out there, and a cure is found. Greta is our first guest poster that submitted her story on our website. Share your voice too by submitting your story on our website! I speak openly about having Crohn’s because it affects my life everyday and that, in turn, affects the lives of those around me…my boyfriend’s, my daughters’, my mom’s, my clients’, and my colleagues’. I was diagnosed in 1997 after four years of weight loss, fevers, pain, bloody diarrhea, a nasty e.coli infection, and multiple hospitalizations. Back then, diagnosis usually meant months or years of suffering before someone finally put the pieces of the puzzle together. I started getting sick in 1993 and was undiagnosed through my second pregnancy in 1995. I was accused (by my family, my doctor and my...
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